so you all are still there, still alive, surviving the madness they show on telly and make you shell out money for in the cineplexes these days. Good.
so i kinda disappeared in between. well i was like always busy partying. and know what this was probably one of the strangest weeks i've lived.
so what was i up to?
went to vizag for a trip. and forgot my data card back at home. there's something about alcohol that makes you forget all the unnecessary things in life. kidding.
so why on this earth was i in vizag? It was a friends B-Day, a fellow brother who believes in the potion of life as much as i do, we do. as the story goes we together were able to erase 48 bottles of beer from the face of mother earth in a night. some really heady social service, trust me.
I took a flight from delhi to hyderabad and from hyderabad took a volvo to vizag. lovely trip with a the AC on full blast tried to sleep thru a telugu movie that goes by the name chinnuda or something. no offences but i could hardly understand a word u see. reached vizag at 6 in the morning on ma friends b-day. reached his apartments on the beach road. every minute reminding me of the years spent there. well never tho one to let a friend down this guy welcomed me with a skinny hug and we sat down to discuss girlfriends old office colleagues and the likes of it, a few minutes into the conversation he gets up and takes a walk down the hall to kitchen. i hear some clianking noises and before a minutes has is back with two bottles of beer, serves one swig right into my mouth and says- There, your breakfast. well if something starts so well you can only guess at the end. tell you what would contnue with the story in my next post.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.

so i kinda disappeared in between. well i was like always busy partying. and know what this was probably one of the strangest weeks i've lived.
so what was i up to?
went to vizag for a trip. and forgot my data card back at home. there's something about alcohol that makes you forget all the unnecessary things in life. kidding.
so why on this earth was i in vizag? It was a friends B-Day, a fellow brother who believes in the potion of life as much as i do, we do. as the story goes we together were able to erase 48 bottles of beer from the face of mother earth in a night. some really heady social service, trust me.
I took a flight from delhi to hyderabad and from hyderabad took a volvo to vizag. lovely trip with a the AC on full blast tried to sleep thru a telugu movie that goes by the name chinnuda or something. no offences but i could hardly understand a word u see. reached vizag at 6 in the morning on ma friends b-day. reached his apartments on the beach road. every minute reminding me of the years spent there. well never tho one to let a friend down this guy welcomed me with a skinny hug and we sat down to discuss girlfriends old office colleagues and the likes of it, a few minutes into the conversation he gets up and takes a walk down the hall to kitchen. i hear some clianking noises and before a minutes has is back with two bottles of beer, serves one swig right into my mouth and says- There, your breakfast. well if something starts so well you can only guess at the end. tell you what would contnue with the story in my next post.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.