Sun beam...
from the window,
un-curtained but not open,
through the glass pane,
that was broken,
last night, during the storm
that came in and surprised,
me and my life,
and left but left,
both of us shattered..
It sneaks in and travels,
to my bed,
it's sheets disheveled,
spread eagled now,
like a halo cast around,
my crumpled dreams,
it lies there and plays,
on my pillow,
with a lonely silken thread,
that accidentally must have,
un-curtained but not open,
through the glass pane,
that was broken,
last night, during the storm
that came in and surprised,
me and my life,
and left but left,
both of us shattered..
It sneaks in and travels,
to my bed,
it's sheets disheveled,
spread eagled now,
like a halo cast around,
my crumpled dreams,
it lies there and plays,
on my pillow,
with a lonely silken thread,
that accidentally must have,
fallen out of her head,
My room unlit,
but now glowing,
basking in the glory,
of its cozy warmth,
still and silent, I look on,
trying to block,
those dark memories,
that surface,
with those waves of sorrow,
that continue unabated,
forcing me to look behind,
and into the past,
where lies my love,
and where rests,
it's carcass …..
My room unlit,
but now glowing,
basking in the glory,
of its cozy warmth,
still and silent, I look on,
trying to block,
those dark memories,
that surface,
with those waves of sorrow,
that continue unabated,
forcing me to look behind,
and into the past,
where lies my love,
and where rests,
it's carcass …..

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.

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